Your Guide to Posh Party LIVE

The newest way to party with Posh Shows.

Come experience the next evolution of Posh Parties, now with LIVE Posh Shows! 

Posh Parties 2.0 is here! Posh Party LIVE combines the magic of Posh Shows with parties, giving you more ways to discover your favorite styles and sellers, connect and expand your network, and drive traffic to your closet.

Review the Upcoming Posh Party LIVE Calendar

Why are we beta-testing this new type of party?

Posh Parties have always been such an incredible part of the Poshmark community and we want to keep that going! By integrating LIVE Posh Shows, there are now even more ways to discover styles and bring traffic to your closet.

When will LIVE parties begin?

LIVE parties happen daily at 2pm PT! Please make sure to update your app to explore upcoming LIVE parties.

Explore upcoming LIVE US parties by going to: 
Explore upcoming LIVE Canada parties by going to:

Ready to learn more about this feature and join us?
The guide below is designed to answer questions and walk you through Posh Party LIVE.