Posh Party LIVE: FAQs

What is a beta test? 

This is a test that releases a new feature to a small group of users. The goal is to gather feedback and then make improvements before it’s officially launched more broadly!

What is a Posh Party LIVE?

Posh Parties have always been such an incredible part of the Poshmark community and we want to keep that going! Posh Party LIVE combines the magic of Posh Shows with parties, giving you more ways to discover your favorite styles and sellers, connect and expand your network, and drive traffic to your closet.

Haven’t I seen the name Posh Party LIVE before?

Yes! We couldn’t resist repurposing the Posh Party LIVE name, as it perfectly describes this type of party that now involves LIVE shows. Stay tuned for more information on our in-person event plans for 2024.

What is a Host Pick in a Posh Party LIVE?

In a Posh Party LIVE, a Host Pick happens when a Posh Shows host picks a shared listing and adds that to their Posh Show. If your listing is selected as a Host Pick, you will be notified via newsfeed notification and push notification. From there, you will also receive a request to add your auction details once the host is ready to feature yours!

Who currently has access to Posh Party LIVE?

During this initial phase, eligibility for Posh Shows hosts is based on the volume and engagement of LIVE shows hosted. In addition, we have invited PoshFest 2023 attendees. Additional criteria may be required and are subject to change. 

Please note that the minimum requirement is to host LIVE shows. If you’re a LIVE Posh Shows host, we will receive an email notification as soon as we’re ready for you! reach out as soon as we’re ready for you! To receive notification updates, please ensure that your email notifications are turned on by going to ‘Notifications’ > ‘Announcements.’

Who currently has access to host shows during Posh Party LIVE?

To explore upcoming LIVE parties happening in the US, please visit: https://poshmark.com/parties 

To explore upcoming LIVE parties happening in Canada, please visit: https://poshmark.ca/parties 

Are community shares allowed in Posh Party LIVE?

Yes! You can share listings from your own closet and those from the community.

How can I learn more or share general feedback about Posh Party LIVE?

We welcome any questions and feedback to support@poshmark.com. A member of Team Posh will respond as soon as possible.

Can I purchase items during a Posh Party LIVE?

Yes! There will be 2 different ways that items can be purchased during a LIVE party. You can join Posh Shows within the Posh Party to then place a bid during an auction. In addition, you can also purchase listings that are being shared to the party from sellers across the community, just like Posh Parties today!